Ok people, this is a simple list of common things you will read among the chat. It will greatly help and make you look alot less noob if you learn these. I had a hard time in the beginning to, wish I had a list like this to help me out.
Ksing: Kill Stealing, waiting for a player to kill an enemy, and then take the last hit so you get the drop, or just wait for someone to take a huge mob on his shoulders, and run in to take them over.
AoE: Area of Effect, a technique (skill) that can be used to make exp fast (especially at higher levels, even more, you NEED it at higher levels), you do damage to all the enemy's in your surrounding.
Bots: Charactes that automaticly attack monsters, they don't need to be controlled, a script controlls the bots for the owner. Anyone could create them if they have basic programming abilities, but 9 out of 10 bots are probably for Goldselling websites, the 10th one is from a lazy player.
Hacker: They don't hack into this game, they hack into the source-code so they don't take damage, or move faster, or actually anything they wan't to. It really isn't verry hard either, again, any person with basic programming skill could do it.
Exploiting: using a bug or glitch ingame on purpose. Like portal camping, spawn camping. If you ever played pokemon on the game-boy, you probably know the pokemon-copy method (pull the cable out when trading with friends), well that's a perfect example of exploiting.
AFK: Away from Keyboard.
HS: Heavenly Shield - a skill that acts as a Health Point (HP) Buffer
HD: Heavenly Destruction - randomly removes a buff an opponent is using.
RF: Reverse Flow - Increase your stun resistance
HB: Heavenly Blow - Increase the chance of you dealing deadly attacks while using a single hit skill
HR: Heavenly Replusion - Can deflect an attack back to an attacker.
BOCF/Fog: Book of clear fog - Removes 1 skill and gives you back the sp's (skill points)
GOE: Gold of Eternity - Rare item used to "enchant"/makes weps or armour better (+15% bonus)
SOE: Steel of Eternity - Rare item used to "enchant"/makes weps or armour better (+12% bonus)
BS: Black Steel - Rare item used to "enchant"/makes weps or armour better (+9% bonus)
DS: Dark Steel - Rare item used to "enchant"/makes weps or armour better (+6% bonus)
WTS: Want to sell
WTB: Want to buy
WTT: Want to trade
S>: Selling
B>: Buying
RvR: Realm vs Realm - Fights between different factions
PK: Player Kill/Killer - Killing a member of your own faction who hasnt consented to a fight/duel
PvP: Player vs Player
DC'ed: Disconnected - Disconnected from the game due to internet problem
AV: Amhang Valley - An RvR zone for level 30-49 players
SI: Samji Island - An RvR zone for level 50-69 players
WV: Wargo Valley - An RvR zone for level 70-89 players
GS: Game Sage - A normal player given a title due to their knowledge of
the game and are there to help players. They can be identified by their [GS] tag infront of their characters name
GM: Games Master - The people who run the game. They deal with all the big stuff like events, hackers etc and have their own special characters with their own powers that normal players dont get. They can be identified by their [GM], {GM} or |GM| tag infront of their characters name.
CP: Contribution Points, points you get for being online and killing enemy's withing a 5level range of yours, you need in for Faction Leader Votings, entering a special area and upgrading/starting a guild.
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